April 11-13, 2013
Founder & Artistic Director: Arthur Houle
Festival Assistants: Lyn Ross and Evelyn Billberg
Calvin Hofer, Music Department Head
Complete Detailed Schedule
• Early contestant adjudications* (local residents)
• Clavinova Interactive Showcase Presentation for piano students, teachers and the general public
(repeat of Thursday night presentation or a different presentation
depending on the audience)
Participants for this session will also receive $10 gift certificates.
Free admission. Recital Hall, Colorado Mesa University Moss Performing Arts Center.
• Judges and director program. "A Laugh Affair with the Piano"
This eclectic program will feature serious and whimsical repertoire. So if you like many styles of music - classical, jazz and "Improv-mania Gone Wild" - come and enjoy our unplugged, fun-tempered pianists digging and wigging the good, the sad, and the funny.
Suggested donation: $10 for adults, $8 for seniors & $5 for students; call CMU Box Office (970.248.1604) for advance tickets. Recital Hall, Colorado Mesa University Moss Performing Arts Center.
• Music notation software workshop.
Dr. Darin Kamstra (biography)
• Winners Recital and Awards Ceremony (see notes below).
Suggested donation: $10 for adults, $8 for seniors & $5 for students; call CMU Box Office (970.248.1604) for advance tickets.
Teachers & Students Please Note
Prize winners will be announced on Saturday at approximately 4:30 PM Each First Prize and Honorable Mention winner will be asked to perform one or more selections (of the judge's choosing) at the Winners Recital on Saturday at 7:30 PM
The Winners Recital will be to HONOR the winners only - it will NOT affect the judge's prize decisions, which will have already been determined. We hope that by doing it this way students will feel a minimum of counterproductive nervous tension for this gala public performance.
IMPORTANT: Students MUST be present at the Awards Ceremony (Saturday, approx. 8:30 PM) to receive their First Prize awards, Honorable Mention prizes, and festival participation certificates.
Students not in attendance at the Winners' Recital and Awards Ceremony (or those who failed to attend the Friday program and three adjudications beyond their own) automatically forfeit their prizes, participant certificates and/or other free items that may be given out.
Rare exception: A student who cannot fulfill all requirements due to extenuating circumstances may, at the discretion of the Director, be eligible for Honorable Mention prizes only.
*Adjudications (Moss Performing Arts Center Recital Hall)
All adjudications are free admission and open to the general public (times subject to change).
Please do not enter while students and recitalists are performing.
Also please remember to turn off cell phones and pagers and be sensitive in the use of cameras and videos.
Detailed adjudication schedule and repertory will be posted approximately one week before the festival.